I’m looking for a university-level intern or junior company

Companies, get out your calendars! Note the dates for local school internship availabilities and “Intern Dating”, or get in touch with a junior company to handle a specific project.

Internship periods and missions

Logo Polytech Montpellier

Polytech Montpellier

  • February to August: internships (engineers, technical areas, discovery, and immersion)
  • November to January for final year projects
Logo Institut Agro Montpellier

Institut Agro Montpellier

  • May - August: internships (agricultural and engineering assistants) and missions
  • January - August: final year internships
  • Throughout the year for gap year internships
Logo EPF

EPF Montpellier

  • July - August: 1st and 2nd year students
  • September - December: 4th year engineering students
  • January - June: 5th year final-year projects
Logo IMT Mines Alès

IMT Mines Alès

  • July - August: 1st year students
  • May - August: 2nd year students
  • March - June: 3rd year students
  • Projects to create innovative products or services and business start-ups: end of May to end of June
Logo Epitech Montpellier

EPITECH Montpellier

  • Starting July 1: early 2nd year internship
  • April 1 - July or September: end of 3rd year internship
  • March - August: 5th year internship
Logo IAE Montpellier

IAE Montpellier

  • Throughout the year, depending on level of study
Logo Montpellier Business School

Montpellier Business School

  • Throughout the year, depending on level of study
  • “Start Me Up” from September to January

EPSI Montpellier

  • Developer / Network administrator: internships in January-February or May-June-July
  • Digital project manager / Webmaster / Community manager / Digital marketing assistant: internships in April-May-June


  • Starting in late March: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year internships
  • Throughout the year for 5th year internships
  • Throughout the year for gap year internships
Logo Université de Montpellier

University of Montpellier

8 faculties, 7 institutes, 2 schools: University of Montpellier offers a broad multi-disciplinary range of programs, from engineering sciences to biology and chemistry, political science, agri-environment, business sciences, law, and economics. Internship periods and their duration vary according to the program.

Logo ISEFAC Bachelor


Students end each academic year with a mandatory internship on a variety of different topics, including Event Management, Sporting Events & Management, Influence, Communication & Social Networks, International Management, and Green Business.

Logo MBway


Training in management, marketing, human resource management and business administration (MBA): year-round internships and work-study programs

Logo IDRAC Business School


Missions from February to June for 5th year students covering sales strategy, international development, digital marketing strategy. Contact: Valérie MOHR Educational Manager for Specialized MBA programs at IDRAC: valerie.mohr@idracmontpellier.com +33 4 67 52 45 20  | |  +33 6 64 93 29 53



From their 1st to 5th years, all IFAG students must complete an internship lasting anywhere from 8 weeks to 6 months, either in France or abroad.

Logo Université Paul Valéry

Université Paul Valéry (UM3)

Human Resource Management, International Management, Social Development, Social and Solidarity Economics... internships in all disciplines throughout the year. Send your offerings to ufr4@univ-montp3.fr

Send your requests to junior enterprises at any time

Logo MBS Junior Conseil


MBS Junior Conseil offers consultancy services in marketing, corporate strategy, international marketing, digital business, HR and CSR, translation, communications, events, and more. Click here

Logo EPF Projets


Skills offered by EPF Projets Montpellier: Software development, Mobile app development, Systems engineering (CAD, Functional analysis,...), Industrial engineering, Consulting, Eco-responsible engineering, Technical translation in many languages, and more.
Contact: +33 1 41 13 01 51
Email: info@epfprojets-mtp.com 
Twitter account

Logo Sup Agro Jema

Junior-Étude Montpellier Agro (JEMA)

Skills offered by JEMA SupAgro: Bibliographic studies, sector-based studies, specifications, market and competitive studies, satisfaction surveys, feasibility studies. In various sectors, such as plant and animal production, viticulture, agriculture in southern countries, agri-food, and digital agriculture.

Email: jema@supagro.fr

Logo MOMA Junior Conseil

MOMA Conseil (consulting)

Skills offered by MOMA Conseil: Market studies, positioning studies, sector studies, competitive analyses, satisfaction surveys, financial restructuring, communication plans, graphic guidelines, web referencing.
Contact: +33 4 34 43 20 57  
Email: contact@momaconseil.com

Logo Polytech MCE

POLYTECH & IAE - MCE “Montpellier Consulting & Engineering”

This junior company combines the skills of the Polytech engineering school and the IAE management school to cover mechanics, microelectronics, IT and management, web development, marketing communications, digital transformation, finance and auditing, consulting, and strategy.
Email:  mce.mailpro@gmail.com

Logo Link4Pharma

Junior company, Montpellier Faculty of Pharmaceutical Studies

Link4Pharma is a junior company that brings together knowledge in four main areas: industry, dispensary, research, and internships, taking on a wide variety of assignments, including scientific popularization, market research, translation, bibliographic surveys, article copywriting, and more
Contact: contact@linkforpharma.com

Logo Mines Alès Junior Etudes

Junior Études, Mines d’Alès

The Junior Études des Mines d’Alès consulting team, affiliated with the prestigious IMT group, offers a wide range of services: IT and AI, CAD, carbon assessment and lifecycle analysis, functional specifications, market research, material selection, and much more.
Email: junior.etudes@mines-ales.fr
Tel: +33 (0) 4 66 78 51 91
LinkedIn account